Uni Karma Ranking

Not a bad idea! I tried to persuade our library to add comments a comments facility to each publication… they looked at me like I was mad.


Via Harold this looks like a pretty funky freeware RoboDemo style app. Will give it a go asap!

Subscribing to RSS Search Feeds – Whys & Wherefores

Like Alan I reckon this is a very interesting and worthwhile discussion but while he tears off on a very interesting riff on the value of RSS beyond what is simply ‘new’ I find myself coming back to my main usage of RSS which is to aggregate news sources and in particular my recent ‘Not …

Kubernetes Dianoia – A Monash Blogger!

Cool, here’s a blog kept by Nathan Bailey. This is especially cool me-wise because he’s from Monash (a uni round the corner from me), it’s hosted at a Monash address http://weblog.its.monash.edu.au:8880/kd/ and he’s the main man for their portal development. And the more people in Unis in Melbourne talking RSS, blogs, podcasting etc. etc. the …

NOT the WebCT & Blackboard blog… one last time

Am getting a bit bored of this now, think I have made my point though… perhaps :o) Getting a lot of press this week has been Derek Morrison’s latest article on Moodle as a Bb / WebCT alternative. It’s well worth a read in its entirety but here’s a spoiler: “Although this is a brief …