“Thugs ruled the streets, and the mob sang Waltzing Matilda”

Via Lol, this is bloody scary. A BARE-CHESTED youth in Quiksilver boardshorts tore the headscarf off the girl’s head as she slithered down the Cronulla dune seeking safety on the beach from a thousand-strong baying mob. Up on the road, Marcus “Carcass” Butcher, 28, a builder from Penrith, wearing workboots, war-camouflage shorts and black singlet …

Trying computers in classrooms hit their limit in the 80’s all that has changed is the technology…

Spent this morning having an excellent conversation with Anne & Chris around the state of education and technology for Adrian’s upcoming issue of Fibreculture. Will post it here if Adrian’ll give me permission :) Along those lines, from CJ’s: “There is now a huge industry of writing about, puzzling about and in general making noise …

Recommended podcasts please!

Aw, sod it, I need to make more time for some of these audio babies… any particular podcasts that you’d recommend? I have some strange vision of listening to these being a strong motivating factor in going for a run / ride / getting healthier in some way…

subverted links

Johannes Ernst's Blog – URLs for digital ID… hell yeh! Early thoughts on Joomla (nee Mambo) at D’Arcy Norman Dot NetSaves me plodding through it :) Looks interesting though… perhaps it’s worth a stroll…

ASCILITE 2005 getting stranger by the minute…

Am having an entertaining time getting ready as a presenter for ASCILITE 2005 next week. First up the four of us who are presenting on blog-esque stuff were asked to get our heads together in a ‘fully functional’ online environment to decide how we wanted to run our sessions, where (apparently the botanical gardens were …