We’ve started a WPMU plugin competition over at WPMU.org. There’s already $750 worth of prizes available and we’re looking for more peopel to donate $ and good stuff for prizes (contact here to add to the prize pool and get yourself bigged up!) As well as people to submit plugins :)
Author Archives: James
An education is…
I agree with D’Arcy entirely when he says: I don’t know what the future of education is, or will be, but I do know that it’s not “web 2.0? But I’m sorry ol’ boy, but you’re being as naive as the people who claim it is web 2.0 when you suggest that its in fact …
Introducing WPMU.org
Here’s a fun project undertaken by Andrew and myself under good banner Incsub….. WPMU.org The plan is to create a WordPress MU information blog – where you can catch up on the latest plugins, themes, SEO stuff, ‘how to”s and more. A bit like a http://weblogtoolscollection.com/ for WordPress MU. Here’s some more info about the …
SharpReader rocks for support & response
Just take a feed from Summize or your foums of choice – grab SharpReader and set it to check the feed every minute – and you’ll be replying to forums queries and fixing up issues that have been tweeted about or posted on your forums in minutes rather than hours… and never have to hit …
Keyboard woes
At the risk of turning this into JF’s tech issues blog I’m utterly stuck on this one and, in desperation, hand myself over to you – dear reader – for assistance for I is seriously stuck with the oddest keyboard issue you ever did come across. Basically *something* has gotten into my keyboard operation that …
Gmail errors today
Anyone else experiencing horrific gmail errors today – 502s, 100s, 728s and more… all day. Makes me realise how much I rely on it! Possibly a touch *too* much (although surely their imperative to fix it up and keep it qworking great is greater than my imperative to go and try to recreate a gmail …
Google Calendar in gmail… or even notifier?
My one grumble with Firefox 3 is that I’ve lost my GCAL notifier that used to sit so sweetly next to my gmail one. So I was kinda excited upon finding a few neat greasemonkey hacks to get round that… all of which were out of date, however, with the exception of Gmail Add Ons. …
Continue reading “Google Calendar in gmail… or even notifier?”
Me, almost starting the edupunk thing, in 2004, but just not quite getting it right :) I is old skool.
WPMU Plugin Prize
Incsub has sponsored a prize ($250) at Weblog Tools Collection for the best WPMU plugin. We’re hoping it’ll not only inspire some fun plugins but also increase awareness of the possibilities of MU plugins… So go submit your best and boldest. And you’re welcome to upload them to http://wpmudev.org – but there’s no obligation :)
I’m an absolute loser, I can hardly get through a single email without writing ‘the’ as ‘teh’. I reckon if you add it up, over a month or so I probably spend hours correcting myself after the fact. So… I did a bit of searching and came up with this brilliant application called Texter. It …