
Congratulations to Stephen on the release of gRSShopper (ace name BTW :) “a personal web environment that combines resource aggregation, a personal dataspace, and personal publishing. “ Here’s a demo and here’s the project page. Great shame that the .com is a domain squatting page :(


The biggest release of WPMU since 1.0 is upon us, let there be merriment and many painless upgrades.

100 WordPress themes – that you don’t need to edit!

I released a new WordPress / WPMU theme pack yesterday with 100 themes, lots of them new and some old favorites (like Mandigo) reworked to allow for custom uploaded headers. What’s really really cool about these themes though is that because they’re all set up to work on Edublogs, they require absolutely no code editing …

Problogger the book!

If you’re looking for one book on making money by blogging, this is – seriously – the real deal. Darren’s the pro-est of the pros so pre-order now!

Terraminds and tweetscan down?

Well, this is a pain in the butt… Terraminds and Tweetscan searches for Edublogs (on Twitter of course) are both down :/ Any suggestions for a more reliable way to get (very) regularly updated search RSS feeds from Twitter?