Anjo has an interesting thought on weblog mapping: “It gets more interesting, as any textbook on networks does, to draw the analogy of graphs with a system of pipes that carry liquid. Is this analogy useful in the context of weblog communities? Perhaps it is. Imagine that weblogs are connected by a system of pipes …
Author Archives: James
Feed2JS Downunder
Ta da! Over the Easter break Alan was kind enough to set up a mirror of Feed2JS at IncSub, so now you can merrily aggregate, spit out and customise feeds of joy downunder :o)
Start witrh short posts about anything
Chaos Abraham quotes Doc Searls on blogging: “just think of blogging as emailing in public. Start with short posts about anything. Like most of mine today. If you make a big deal of it, it won’t work. It should be the opposite of labor-intensive.” So fewer 5000 word posts then :o) Interesting ideas about blogging …
Oh why not..
Technorati Profile Technorati one billion links I say Wednesday 30 March 2005, 8.55pm San Francisco time.
To mark the tenth birthday of wikis (which, um might have been a few days ago but hey :0) here’s something that’s been bubbling away in me for a while… While thinking out the centered communication paper it occurred to me that I was also writing an anti-wiki treatise of sorts. So to check out …
Centered Communication: Weblogs and aggregation in the organisation
I’ve posted a draft version of my blogtalk paper Centered Communication: Weblogs and aggregation in the organisation over at IncSub. I’m not about to rewrite it all… noooooo way :o)… but feedback / comments would be really cool. It’s a kind of mismash of Christopher Alexander, Ulises Mejias and a sprinkle of me complaining about …
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the fashion student blog
If there’s one fashion blog you subscribe to it should definitely be this one. Here’s the RSS feed. Making shirts like tutus… ace!
The Social Life of Students
I can’t really add anything to this brilliantly succinct and to the point post by Chris Lott, who gets it in a very big way, here’s an extract… go read the rest now! “The problem is that it takes more than one class/quarter/semester to start becoming a proficient denizen of the socially networked community. One-off …
The Online Community Hangover
Lee has put together a great post on what failed and the future for online communities in business. I sometimes think there’s a parallel thought thing going on here (or perhaps I’m just copying him :o) as my next paper (which I’m hoping to publish on IncSub in the next few days – here’s the …
Mediums, messages, dialogue & reflections…
There’s a lot of interesting buzz around Personal Learning by Denham Grey. It’s a cluetrain-esque post which, if I get it basically outlines D’s understanding that: “it is the breaktime conversation, the secondhand explanation from a colleague that situates the new concept, validates its importance and sanctions its legitimacy.” and that this is not going …
Continue reading “Mediums, messages, dialogue & reflections…”