Alrighty, so am thinking about this a bit more. What I would like, I reckon, is a wiki app which worked a bit like this: 1. User (registered or unregistered, ‘spose you can always build it Captcha / spam blocking to sort this) comes along to enter info 2. Info form consiste of a.Title b.Time …
Author Archives: James
Wiki Hacking – any ideas?
Alrighty then… I need a wiki that has all the register / login functions but which I can hack (this should be interesting…) to give me several entry fields which then spit out in RSS feeds. What I need are five fields. Entry Field 1 – Time Entry Field 2 – Area Entry Field 3 …
The Centre for English Teacher Training (CETT) of Eötvös University
Hmmm, so in order to work in academia you need to have a PhD…. shame shame shame Eötvös University! “Centre for English Teacher Training (CETT) of Eötvös University has been given a heavy blow by the Dean of the faculty, who has decided not to renew the contract of 9 staff members once these contracts …
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Exensive CMS = Terrible URLs
Heh, I concur: “I remember well Brent Simmons’ proposal of a” Law of CMS URLs”: The more expensive the CMS, the crappier the URLs.” [details of a global brain]
Wireless connectivity for Blogtalk Downunder
It’s all coming together… wireless connectivity at Blogtalk Downunder is to be supplied by iBurst… so you’ll know who to love when the connection kicks off and who to bawl at if…. but that won’t happen will it :o) Going to be odd, this’ll be my first conference talking to a bunch of laptops… hmmm… …
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Uses of Blogs
Fantastic stuff, I’m going to be contributing a chapter on the blogs and education front to the forthcoming Uses of Blogs. A genuine chapter in a real, paper and um, shiny stuff, book. Am very very honoured to be publishing in the same vicinity let alone on similar pages to the fantastic list of authors …
FLOSSE Summary
Fascinating, thorough, thought provoking, broad and intelligent overview of open source, social networks, online learning, long tails and all of that kind of stuff. Delivered in the most inaccessible, un-open-source, huge and annoying format possible (I mean, if you’re going to have slides then at least use the Adobe slide function???) Eh? Update: Hey, it’s …
Blogads Survey results
Fascinating data from an enormous pool (30k) of respondants.
Podcast Survey – go take it!
Cameron Reilly needs your help to get up to 1000 respondents in his podcast survey to extrapolate meaningful stats, so if you’re feeling kind and generous pop over there and take the survey!
pLog picker
Interesting stuff, Syamsul (who must have the most detailed about page I’ve ever seen!) picks pLog for his schools multi-blog rollout program because: * My school doesn’t host our own web servers, so systems like Blojsom or Roller are no-nos * We can’t afford to pay a lot of money for it, so commercial systems …