My new, new media, blog

Citizen - new media blogWell, it’s not everyday you get a new blog, and certainly not everyday you get to run it on the biggest news and information site in your State, so I figured I may as well crow about it a bit and invite you over for a peek.

Basically it’s me making baby gazelle steps into writing about new media in the context of my job at The name is a play all sorts of things, I’ll get to that later, but you should expect some critical and overly opinionated commentary on blogs, citizen media, online news sites and more.

If you’re of that persuasion you can grab the feed here.

Today’s post is all about how comments are way too overrated in big news sites – especially as they are currently done.

Go weigh in :)

3 replies on “My new, new media, blog”

  1. Neato – I must confess that looking at the logo, I thought it must be Citizen James – looking forward to learning more about the web 2.0 thing I keep hearing the cool kids talking about XD

  2. Cool – by the way, your Citizen post got me a little fired up – umm, and I may have come across – well, kind of harsh (and ranty) in my response. (I’m a big fan of comments and the notion of citizen media you see and found your piece quite negative)

    No offence intended (fwiw).

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