Bugger, missed the official date but still a happy belated first birthday to edublogs.org!
One of these days I’ll get round to writing some serious stuff about the site, how it’s been, where I’d like it to go and how it can get there. But for the moment here are some stats:

By the end of January (6 months) the site had served 38,534 unique browsers and 1,448,743 page impressions that month. By the end of July (12 months) we’d gone through a whopping 113,883 unique browsers and 3,607,871 page impressions.
In the same month learnerblogs.org, uniblogs.org and eslblogs.org went though over 50,000 unique browsers.
OK, it isn’t quite myspace but it’s pretty cool :)
As for blogs on May 23rd the 10,000th edublogs.org blog was created. Which was great. But as of this moment today (August 14th) there are 17,869 blogs. Yikes.
Yes there are definitely some splogs (although I catch 99% of them I reckon) and yes a high percentage aren’t updated that regularly, and yes some of them are students blogs (annoying – I need to highlight learnerblogs.org and uniblogs.org better) but all the same… there is a *lot* of great stuff happening in there and you can subscribe to the RSS feed for the entire site to see the rate (and the great stuff) that’s coming out.
So, the good news is that I that to keep all of this going smoothly I just bought another huge server to support the site (not cheap!!!) and that it’s going well… the average news is that it needs an upgrade, a redesign and some cool new features, but the upside of that is that sooner rather than later it’s going to get Flickr, YouTube,and widget integration.
More thoughts on futures and implications later, meanwhile…

A sincere congratulations James on running a powerful, successful, easy to use service which has great vlaue for the community.
Happy Birthday, Edublogs, and thanks James Farmer for a wonderful year. You have been an inspiration as well as a support to my inaugural year of blogging with students, and the wave is growing – at least three more teacher-friends are signing on for the coming year. …can’t wait to see where it goes from here. -mg
Gee guys, that was quick :)
Thanks for the nice comments… whatever direction we do in I can guarantee a few things:
-It’ll be an improved service
-It’ll be free as free can get
-It’ll be ‘ad’ free (now I’m not saying it’ll be badge-free :) – I’m already well overdue putting Akismet badges in that handles a lot of the comment spam and I need a ‘powered by thing eventually! But you can forget adsense etc!)
-It’ll be fun!
congratulations mate – that’s quite the achievement!
Congretulations for this growing popularity !
congrats James that’s a terrific achievment dude! Now just leave Fairfax and build a media empire… like Darren.
Brilliant work James! Congrats! It’s been amazing to see it grow over 12 months, what a network!
James, what a fantastic 12 months. what a fantastic service to the education community. We’re very luck!
Well done, James! I think the integration with flickr and putting in some widgets will really spice up the blogs. Do you think it would be a good idea to have a directory of the blogs hosted on yur servers? I mean it would make sense to people out there, especially for those who have just arrived.
James, congratulations and happy birthday! I love your work, and have got several teachers started blogging with edublogs. Unfortunately, my school district (Seattle) now blocks edublogs – aaack. I’m working on them, though. All the best for a super second year! – Mark
Well done, James! You are making a difference in a big way. Many thanks for all the blood, sweat and tears you have invested. I love stats, but the real value of edublogs is truly incalculable.
Congratulations James!!!
the sitewas so facinating, and it really made us all proud of you!
Proud of having a creation such as this!