Communities, networks and a better world

One of the less advantageous by-products of a trip back to the UK is that it tends to find me smoking again, and not in a ‘cor look at him go’ sense but more in the traditional, smelly and slightly dysfunctional one. However, one of the by-products of this is that I spend much more …

Educational Violence

“If students are being put through standardized testing and being forced to submit to institutionally defined learning objectives without their informed consent, that is violence. To what extent is any given educator an agent of violence? Why is the foundation of our educational institutions one of control and performance rather than love and respect? What …


Well that’s next years April 1st gag scuppered. Still, at least it saves me saying ‘well, they’re moreorless the same’. You know who I’d absolutely *love* to be working for now… any of these basically (bar the obvious two). Seriously though, in the next 10 years this’ll be the key to their undoing (of sorts)… …

Google Reader

Google reader looks very cool but as long as I can’t import my xml subscriptions from bloglines… I ‘aint trying it and even then.. it doesn’t look like it matches/extends/simplifies the functionality in any way. Sometimes I wonder why people don’t get it… just copy whatever Mark Fletcher (Yahoo Groups, Bloglines… could you think of …

Blogging meetup tomorrow

Am meeting tomorrow with Josie of EdTechUK, Ben of Elgg and Peter of Schoolblogs… three people that I’m seriously looking forward to having a chat with!!! So if you’re in Birmingham tomorrow (Saturday 7th) and can make it to the IKON gallery for 3… why don’t ya come along too.


This is the third day after the op and everything is going as planned which is wonderful… still a few more days to make sure things are working but – fingers crossed, touch wood etc. etc. – the worst is well over. Thanks for all the emails, comments and support… you dunno how special you …