2 replies on “subverted links”

  1. As I noted recently in a comment posted on D’Arcy Norman’s blog
    (http://www.darcynorman.net/2006/02/06/moodle-vs-sakai-fight) Sakai is an integrative
    framework designed to support collaboration, research and learning both within and across
    institutions of higher education. It is envisioned to serve a variety of
    constituencies–instructors and students, researchers, ad hoc work groups, project teams
    etc. While Sakai is often portrayed in the marketplace as a learning management system
    (LMS) or course management system (CMS), the Sakai application framework has a broader
    purpose and is designed to support the wide variety of collaboration and learning
    activities that take place within education and research. Our vision renders problematic
    the otherwise easy comparisons drawn by some in their discussions of Sakai vs. other

    Problematic too is the language of competition injected recently into the discussion. We
    at the Sakai Foundation do not look upon other open source initiatives as competitors nor
    do we regard serving the education and research communities as a mercantilist exercise
    where opportunities are finite and one’s gain is another’s loss. Rather our aim is to
    provide open source software alternatives developed collaboratively and featuring free
    acquisition and open licensing designed to encourage innovation, extension and a wide
    range of use.


    Anthony Whyte
    Sakai Foundation / University of Michigan

  2. Thanks for the comment Anthony, I understand what you;re saying re: oranges / apples… am looking forward to exploring Sakai more.

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