The new is up and running

A few months back, Cristoph Merrill purchased Blogsavvy off me… and now, one hefty redesign later, it’s up and running and all shiny and new. Best of luck with the site Christoph :) It’s great to see new life back in the old girl.

Newsletter spam

If you don’t allow people to simply unsubscribe from opt-out newsletters without having to log in, then that’s spam. I’m looking at you Yelp and spreadshirt! Don’t be surprised when you start getting filtered by gmail etc. Grrrr :( Update: Spreadshirt are currently fixing their newsletter system up so they’re cool… plus an email from …

SEOmoz Pro

I just signed up for a 6 month SEOMoz Pro license basically because they rock the house. I’ve been reading the blog for, probably, 4 months or so now and when you;re giving this kinda stuff away for free, what you get when you pay has got to be unreal :) Anyway, am looking forward …