Communication Dynamics Research Results

At the presentation of my paper, Communication dynamics: Discussion boards, weblogs and the development of communities of inquiry in online learning environments at ASCILITE 2004 I started off by doing a quick bit of research (see .ppt presentation here). Basically I handed out blank sheets to the audience and asked them, in a minute per …

Powazek & Technorati

Technorati have done the best thing ever by hiring Derek Powazek, period. Here are some of the first tweaks he’s applying… if I ran my University…

Term Paper Help

The elearning queen rocks with a set of 32 guides containing “Numerous flowcharts, survival guides, and indispensable help for all your academic writing, including term papers, first-year composition, advanced composition, research papers, theses, and dissertations.”

Podcasting with Drupal

Outstanding! Aldon Hynes of orient lodge comments that he’s written a patch that allows podcasting in Drupal: “I’ve written a patch to the upload.module of Drupal so that Drupal can be used for Podcasting. I’ve used it on one CivicSpace 0.8 site. Since CivicSpace 0.8 is essentially a customized version of Drupal 4.5, I suspect …