Using a live blog for conference communication

So… the idea was with the Blogtalk Blog to open it up as a kind of asynchronous backchannel / space for sharing stuff.

I figured, partly as a result of an excellent comment from Peter Bolger, that a blog would work well this way and that it would save the stress / issues that a backchannel usually has. Plus, given the medium, probably the best thing to do was to let questions & stuff come out asynchronously through it (there being plenty enough of them f2f at the conf).

Am not sure how much that has happened (questions) but there has been a lot of good sharing and commenting… hopefully there’ll be some good reflection too and it saves a heck of a lot of stress for organisers, in terms of shifting the uploading of presentations :o)

Next time I think I’ll do something similar… don’t reckon I’d run with a backchannel unless there were 200+ participants.

Any suggestions for improvement?