Blogtalk Downunder Venue

Y’know… usually yacht clubs get me down a bit, all that opulence, greed, class-associated stuff, big boats sitting there and never going anywhere etc. etc.

But when it comes to us hosting Blogtalk Downunder at the best damn location possible in Sydney, well…. I can put my prejudices aside for a minute, forget my roots, and run around like a madman with a great big banner saying that we’re hosting it at the Cruising Yacht Club of Australia 5 minutes from the CBD and on the harbour (obviously!) and it’s going to be abso-bloody-lutely fantastic. Hurrah!

Also, today’s the last day for abstracts so send ’em in now to Anne.Bartlett-Bragg [at] (and if you’ve just decided “hell yes, I want to go there” (and believe me, you do!) then drop us an email and I’m sure we’ll be able to work something out :o)