I’ve been fortunate enough to work for some great organisations and start some interesting projects myself, here’s a selection of stuff I’ve worked on in the last few years:
The Age (2006 – 2007)
Working at The Age was a great experience. I managed the development of blogs from forming a tiny part of the site into integral element of every section, introduced significant citizen media and racked up some pretty good-lookin’ stats.
Edublogs (2005 – Present)
I founded Edublogs on July 31st 2005 after having spent the previous two years trying to figure out how to provide free blog for teachers. It’s been a pretty wild ride, with over 17K blogs created in the first year and over 75K as of May 2007.
The Knowledge Tree (2006 – Present)
The Knowledge Tree is a premier e-learning innovation journal, funded by the Australian Flexible Learning Framework. It’s also the bloggiest journal that you’re likely to find, in part because I’m the ‘publisher’, looking after the design and development of the site.
Blogtalk Downunder (2005)
In 2005 I co-organised the first blogging conference in the Southern hemisphere – and, if I do say myself, it rocked. We had a great range of speakers from Rebecca Blood to Senator Andrew Bartlett together with some quality papers.
Nook (2006)
The business directory TrueLocal, needed integrated reviews of businesses and Leader Newspapers needed an online community area. I worked closely with Feedcorp to select software, plot design and generally scheme Nook into existence.