
Interesting project at Oxford, Remote Authoring of Mobile Blogs for Learning Environments (RAMBLE) :

“In this project the process of blogging has three stages:

* Blogging on a Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) – where students can use handheld devices to reflect on their learning experiences, provide feedback on lectures, tutorials, practicals etc at a location, time etc. that is convenient to them.
* Upload the blog to a blog server – on return to their desktop or wherever there is access to the Internet, the students can press a button and upload the blogs to a local blog server.
* Integration in a VLE – VLEs can provide an environment in which the blog can be shared among selected groups, typically peers or tutors within a focused context as can be provided by VLEs. (Usually, blogs are made public and are not highly contextualised). The main development for this project will consist of tools to read the blogs via feeds (probably RSS and Atom) and to render them in various ways in the VLE.”

[via Simon Walton]