Fray is back…

Fray is back, and in a kinda different form.

You could say that the new is much older than the old (submit by email, see if you get published) which is interesting in a coupla ways.

First up, it’s a nice recognition of the fact that ‘just because you can, doesn’t mean you should’ thing that I’ve been talking about around comments for a while now.

Secondly though, I wonder how motivated people will be to simply submit their stories, and wait for ‘approval’, rather than see then published as they are, and as they submitted them?

Will be interesting whatever though!

One reply on “Fray is back…”

  1. Thanks for the link, James, and I do hope you submit something. This next stage of Fray is very much an experiment. If things go well, we’ll develop web tools to support our members, and their stories. This is also just Stage One – you can look forward to the web side changing over the next few weeks and months.

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