International Journal of Web Based Communities (IJWBC)

Typical, am run off my feet, the last thing I need is a new journal full of amazing articles related to online communities such as:

Designing and evaluating online communities: research speaks to emerging practice
With regard to respect: a framework for governance of educational virtual communities
Towards mobile communities for cancer patients: the case of
Roles and knowledge management in online technology communities: an ethnography study
Online knowledge communities: future trends and research issues

And they’ve even got a bloody RSS feed, here, typical…

[update, Scott points out that the feed is for the publisher as a whole, that’s very cool from a library perspective but not for much else :o(]

One reply on “International Journal of Web Based Communities (IJWBC)”

  1. The new journal looks interesting, unfortunately the RSS feed is for the publisher as a whole, so you may want to rethink subscribing otherwise you’ll end up with tons of unrelated articles to wade through. Cheers, Scott

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