Almost at 100!

Great stuff…. big thanks out to people who have been helping spread edublogs… almost at 100, but plenty of work to do yet, how long do you reckon it’ll take to get to 1000? Guesses welcome and will be rewarded by gratuitous linking and much honour :o)

Seriously though there are already some great things going on… random mind looks like a fully formed blog already, Bar Ma Che Gozasht is pumping out the arabic, Martin Terre Blanche and Kevin Durrhei have started a blog to accompany their forthcoming and very interesting Knowledge2go, Pete Radcliff is taking to blogging like a duck to water, KlasCement is collecting “cool links, interesting educational stuff, software you should install”, the EdTech Workshops WebLog is, well, exactly that, how do you MU is exploring WPMU from a users perspective, Yishay Mor is checking out is WordPress is ‘the one’ and exploring research vs. teaching at the same time, can’t comment though as you need to be logged in :( and Hannah of HannahBlog has just ordered a banjo and is typing too much!

Superb, why don’t you pay a visit to some of the worlds newest edubloggers!!!