ASCILITE 2004: SMS & Learning

Am now in a couple of interesting sessions on SMS in learning, cool!

Stephen Cheung “Fun and games with mobile phones: SMS messaging in microeconomics experiments“.

Stephen uses SMS for voting & playing in learning games…. not cheap but a lot of fun! There’s also an ‘economists’ version of his paper here (.pdf).

Louise Horstmanshof “Using SMS as a way of providing connection and community for first year students

From her conclusion:

“…Contemporary university life in Australia is a challenge to the provision of community because of the mobility of students, the realities of the teaching portfolios of academics, and other issues of time and space. Using texting to communicate with tutors and other students is a way of providing connection and community in today’s on-campus/off-campus university environment where both students and tutors are likely to spend fewer hours on campus and are also more likely to lead busy, complex lives in which work, family and social interactions make demands on their time. Students are managing the rest of their lives with the aid of mobile phones and text messaging, being able to manage their university lives in the same fashion seems to make sense.” [link]

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