4 replies on “The Return!”

  1. Actually James, it was a bit unfair of me to point to your post as the source of the knee-jerkitis, it was Harold’s comments that really got my goat. Sorry if it was a cheap shot – I should have just posted my own rebuttal in my blog if I felt strongly enough about it, but in the end just decided to let it slide as I didn’t have the energy to get into it. Cheers, Scott

  2. Awww… he does have a bit of a point though!

    I know what you mean about energy though… need extra reserves. No stress about unfairness, no offense taken… one of the things I like best about Greg is that he’s good and tetchy, the more bridling the better I reckon :)

  3. Thanks for the nod, James (and thanks to Scott; I’d thank you on your site, Scott, but comments seem to be down). I’m not sure what “tetchy” means — must be an Aussie term– but I’ll take it as a compliment.

    But I think the *real* story here is that this is a Blackboard blog, not just a Greg Ritter blog. I’m glad to be a part of it (and I’ve been lobbying for it behind the scenes for a long while), but it really is a team effort.

    Hey! I just looked up “tetchy”! Am not!

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